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Join Microsoft Teams Meeting


#MCO (Movement Control Order)(18.03.2020 to 28.04.2020) caused by the pandemic (Covid-19 virus) has changed the world, changed the way we work, at least for now and perhaps for the foreseeable future.

Many people using computer, mobile devices to participate in conferences or forums, or meetings.

Popular apps or services are ZOOM, Google Hangouts, Google Meet, and few others, but at CHONG ACCOUNTING and CNPS Group, we use MICROSOFT TEAMS.

We can add our clients, associates, co-worker, prospect or friends by email, so we can start chatting, share screen etc - conduct a effective and efficient meeting or communication.



Once we have invited you to join a meeting, you will receive email with a link LIKE THIS "Join Microsoft Teams Meeting"

You just need to click it.... then,

So, as below, once you clicked "Join Microsoft Teams Meeting"

Option A - download and install the software (Microsoft Teams) in your laptop/desktop

Option B - "Join on the web instead" (using browser like Chrome, Microsoft Edge)

Option C - if you already have Microsoft Teams installed.


OPTION B IF you do not wish to install the software "Microsoft Teams" to your computer, you can click on "Join On The Web Instead" (then you can join using browser like Chrome or Microsoft Edge.


General Rule

  1. As a webinar participant, set your microphones on #mute to eliminate background noise and turn off your video.

  2. You can turn ON microphones to reply or to present.

  3. To connect (i.e. click on "Join") 1~2 minutes earlier so meeting can start on time.

  4. Meeting/Webinar session can be recorded by the organiser.


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