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Hot Topic - Salary - MCO


#MCO (Movement Control Order) from 18 March 2020 has been extended to 14 April 2020, total 28 days.

Many SMEs are suffering now, some strong one like catching a flu, not so strong could be

a) Bleeding to death

b) Coma in ICU

c) High Fever

d) Other complication


So, what the Government say?

First FAQ (FAQ1) published by Kementrian Sumber Manusia (Ministry of Human Resources, MOHR) dated 17.03.2020

Regarding Covid-19 case in place of work / office / business premises

Second FAQ (FAQ2) by MOHR dated 19.03.2020

Regarding period from 18.03.2020 to 31.03.2020

Third FAQ by (FAQ3) MOHR dated 31.03.2020

Regarding period from 01.04.2020 to 14.04.2020

[Tips: Click blue color text above to download the FAQ]


By now, (02.04.2020), most company already paid the salary for March 2020.

Even though in FAQ2, MOHR said Employer must pay full salary, we believe there are some company not paying full salary. We run a survey this week, about 3/4 of employees will get full salary in March 2020 (including 18.03.2020 to 31.03.2020) but in the same survey, more people are expecting unpaid leave/annual leave for 01.04.2020 to 14.04.2020.

This is in line with FAQ3 as Employer are expected to pay full salary but can 'negotiate with employee' to get the #Consent for pay-cut or unpaid leave or annual leave.

Hence, we recommend such a letter for Employee to give their consent.

Feel free to click below to access to all relevant files on this topic "Salary-MCO"

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